Are You Getting the Most Out of AI? Essential Prompting Techniques Your Competitors Are Using (But You’re Not!)


Artificial intelligence has evolved, it offers opportunities for innovation and efficiency across various domains. One of the important parts of learning AI is learning how to give it clear and helpful instructions which is referred to as prompting. Effective AI prompting can enhance the Quality of outputs, making interaction with AI more productive and meaningful. In this blog , we will look at important strategies for creating effective AI prompts. Additionally through this blog post, we’ll provide a comprehensive list of 150+ prompting ideas tailored for various industries.

Importance of effective AI prompting techniques 

Effective AI prompting is important for many reasons. One of which is generating relevant responses. AI prompts are the instructions that are given to an AI model to get desired responses. Effectiveness of prompt depends on how clear, detailed and specific the prompt is. A well designed prompt can generate relevant answers whereas a poorly designed prompt can generate incorrect results. Secondly, well-made prompts can make solving problems and finding information faster and easier, saving time and resources.

Understanding the power of prompts in AI interactions

Prompting is the technique through which we can interact with AI. Prompts are the instructions or questions we give to AI to get the answers we want. Working of AI depends on how good the prompt is. For example, a poorly made prompt can generate incorrect answers whereas a well-made prompt can give accurate answers , that is why it is important to know how to create good prompts.

Various Types of Prompting Techniques

Prompting techniques are essential for guiding AI models to generate specific and relevant responses. Here are some various types of prompting techniques:

  1. Chain of Thought Prompting: This prompting technique is use to guide AI to explain its answer in a step-by-step format. This technique helps to ensure that the model’s answers are transparent and easy to understand, making its explanations more useful.

Example – What is the diameter of the sun ? Let’s think step by step.

  1. Tabular Format Prompting: Using tabular format with AI allows for clear organization and presentation of data, making it easier for the user to  analyze the output, leading it to more accurate understandings and insights.

             Example – Please list the top 5 travel destinations in South America in tabular format

  1. Ask Before Answer Prompting: Ask Before Answer Prompting means telling ChatGPT to ask for more details from users before giving an answer. This is done by creating prompts that make the model ask questions to understand the user’s needs better or to get more information.

            Example – You are an expert in the field of consulting. I’m going to ask you some specific tasks to complete but before you answer, I want you to do the following: If you have any questions about my task always ask before generating an answer. How can I drive more sales from my consulting business? Your task is to create a Step-by-step guide to implement into my prompt before you complete your task.

  1. Fill In The Blank Prompting: This technique allows users to focus on a specific aspect of a sentence or idea and also encourages deeper thinking. Additionally, it is flexible tool for learning and communication that can be easily adapted to different situations 

Example – You are an expert at creating prompts that generate the most concise and resourceful responses. What additional bullet point details can i add to the following prompt to improve the output? My prompt is: I have $100,000 in savings , what should I invest in ?

  1. Perspective Prompting: Perspective prompting helps you look at a topic from various angles, giving you a better understanding. This can help you make smarter choices and understand complicated issues more clearly.

            Example – Please write about improving as a kickboxer from the perspective of a kickboxing coach.

  1. Comparative Prompting: Comparative prompting highlights key similarities and differences across various factors which helps you make more informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of two options

Example – .Please compare and contrast the following text examples. Outline the similarities , differences, qualitative characteristics, quantitative factors, functionality, impact and other factors into one table. Here are the two pieces of content: The business and design philosophy of Apple and Microsoft. 

  1. Reverse Prompting:  Reverse prompting is when the AI asks you questions to learn more or clarify things. Instead of you asking the system, the system starts the conversation to better understand what you need and give more helpful answers.

Example – You are a prompt engineering expert that is able to reverse engineer prompts based on the texts that are provided to you  with a tech company product description. I am going to provide you with . Be as specific as possible on providing prompting suggestions based on the tone, style, syntax, language, and any other other factors you consider relevant. I would like to use this prompt in the future to replicate the style of the provided text. Your prompt is effective if, when entered into ChatGPT in a normal context, it would provide the script. Please reply with ‘understood’ if that makes sense. If this does not make sense don’t reply and ask further questions to clarify your understanding.

  1. RGC Prompting: This framework offers a flexible and reliable structure that works with any input and desired outcome. It aims to set a standard format that enhances AI’s performance across various inputs.

Example – You are an expert nutritionist. Create a 7 day meal plan for 5 foot 7, 40 year old female that exercise 3 times a week. The goal is for her to loose 1 pound of fat a week, by being in a caloric deficit and eating the right amount of carbs, sugar, and protein. The meal plan should give the recipes, cooking directions, preparation times, and a specific meal for breakfast , lunch, and dinner.

  1. I want you to act as Prompting :This Prompting instructs the model to generate responses as if it were a specific character, person, or entity. It enables users to interact with the model in a more immersive and engaging way by assuming different personas.

Example – I want you to act as a virtual doctor. I will describe my symptoms and you will provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. You should only reply with your explanation, diagnosis, and treatment plan, and nothing else. My important details are, “I have been experiencing a headache and dizziness for the last few days, what could be cause?’’

  1. Constructive Critic prompting: Constructive Critic Prompting involves creating prompts that direct AI to give constructive feedback, reviews, or evaluations. The goal is to guide the model to deliver criticism in a supportive and positive way, emphasising areas for improvement while also highlighting strengths.

Example – I want you to review my essay on climate change. Provide feedback that points out its strengths and identifies areas for improvement. Be specific and constructive, addressing both the content and writing style.

Utilising data-driven insights for personalised prompts

Personalization is a strong tool in AI interactions. It uses data to customise experiences for each user based on their preferences, behaviours, and needs. For example, an online store can suggest products to users based on what they’ve bought before. This data-driven personalization makes users happier and more likely to do what the platform wants, like making a purchase or staying engaged.

Implementing Proactive Prompts for Enhanced User Engagement

Proactive prompting means predicting what the user might need and giving them helpful suggestions before they ask. This technique helps users to significantly enhance engagement by making interaction more seamless.For example, a fitness app might suggest workouts to users based on their activity habits and goals. These proactive suggestions show that the AI understands the user, making the experience feel more personalised and attentive.

Best Practices for Creating Compelling Prompts

Making effective prompts takes careful thought and a good plan. Here are some simple tips to follow:

  • Be Clear and Specific: Make sure your prompts are easy to understand and precise, so users aren’t confused.
  • Stay Relevant: Give enough context so the AI can respond accurately.
  • Focus on the User: Customise prompts to match what the user needs, likes, and does.
  • Use Friendly Language: Write in an engaging and conversational way to make interactions fun.
  • Test and Improve: Regularly test your prompts and tweak them based on what users say and how well they perform.

A Comprehensive list of of 150+ prompting ideas for various industries

To help you get started , here is a list of prompting ideas across different industries:


“Explain the symptoms of diabetes.”

“What are the best practices for managing chronic pain?”

“How does telemedicine benefit rural communities?”


 “What are the key differences between traditional and online learning?”

  “Provide tips for effective time management for students.” 

  “How can educators incorporate technology in the classroom?”


 “Describe the process of applying for a mortgage.” 

 “What are the benefits of investing in index funds?” 

 “Explain the impact of inflation on savings.”


 “Suggest outfit ideas for a summer wedding.” 

 “What are the latest trends in sustainable fashion?” 

“How can retailers improve customer loyalty?”


 “What are the top cybersecurity threats in 2024?”

“Explain the concept of cloud computing.”

“How is AI transforming the tech industry?”


“Tips for providing excellent customer service.”

“How to create a welcoming atmosphere in a hotel.”

“The importance of cleanliness in the hospitality industry.”

Real Estate

“Tips for first-time homebuyers.”

“How to stage a home for sale.”

“The benefits of investing in real estate.”


“Tips for maintaining a car.”

“How to choose the right vehicle.”

“Explain the benefits of electric cars.”


“Tips for planning a vacation”.

“The benefits of solo travel.”

“How to find the best travel deals.”

Food & Beverage

“Tips for cooking healthy meals.”

“How to create a balanced diet plan.”

“fits of organic food.”


“Tips for developing a personal style.”

“How to build a versatile wardrobe.”

“The impact of fashion trends on culture.”


“How to create engaging content”.

“The impact of social media on the entertainment industry.”

“Tips for breaking into the music industry.”

and so on, covering a wide range of industries including sports, Environmental science, legal and many more.

Conclusion: Elevating AI Interactions through Strategic Prompting Techniques

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has changed the interaction pattern with computers. One key idea making this change possible is called strategic prompting. This means creating prompts (questions or instructions) in a smart way so that AI can give better, more accurate, and useful answers. By designing and using prompts well, we can make our interactions with AI much better, making it more helpful in many areas of life.

Moreover, good prompting can enhance how we use AI in various fields such as education, healthcare, and business. In education, teachers can use strategic prompts to create personalised learning experiences for students. In healthcare, doctors can get more precise information for diagnosing illnesses. In business, smart prompting can help in making better decisions by providing relevant data and insights.

Overall, learning to use strategic prompting can unlock the full potential of AI, making it a more powerful and helpful tool in our everyday lives.

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